Monday, August 24, 2020

Critical Measure of Leadership Excellence-Samples for Students

Question: Compose an Article Review Reflection on Character Not Charisma is the Critical Measure of Leadership Excellence. Answer: The article Character not allure is the Critical Measure of Leadership Excellence investigates the attributes of a decent pioneer. The qualities of a pioneer is significant as in guiding principle help in affecting the pioneers conduct, his morals and vision along these lines prompting hierarchical greatness. The fundamental goal of the article examined is to assess the essentialness of character in the advancement of administration. The idea of authority was significant particularly after the universal war. It might be said magnetism isn't something which is legitimately identified with the running of an association. The idea which is regularly misjudged is that solitary a feeling of power isn't pivotal for the accomplishment of an association. Then again if a pioneer unmistakably clarifies and shares the vision of the association it turns into a matter of shared interests and the whole association progresses in the direction of a shared objective. Charm basically centers around character characteristics to be specific dynamism, the picture, motivation, the emblematic practices, passionate knowledge, the sympathetic comprehension and plainly articulating a dream. There are negativities related with charming pioneers also. They may become egotistical and narcissistic on the off chance that they are inclined towards narcissism. In the event that the pioneers are progressively focussed on their own objectives, their initiative turns out to be increasingly narcissistic, this leads them to consistently concentrate on self help (Character, Not Charisma, Is The Critical Measure of Leadership, 2017). Character is something which depends on the guiding principle of a pioneer. It is a factor which impacts a people vision, conduct and decides their objectives for greatness. A pioneers character ought to never be settled on. It should be guaranteed that a pioneer has trustworthiness as adherents will undoubtedly imitate a pioneer. As indicated by directing reports it has been discovered that dominant part of individuals feel a pioneers beliefs or trustworthiness is undermined when the person in question shows presumption, advances personal responsibility, bargains unjustifiably and does anything pessimistic. The earth of an association can't be certain and harmonious to greatness without anyone else yet it should be developed fundamentally by the pioneers of associations. On the off chance that the pioneers advance the estimations of inspiration, dynamic, reliability, accomplishment which can advance it towards greatness, different representatives and subordinates are probably going to go with the same pattern. The profound quality, the thought, the innovative comprehension of a pioneer is ascribes which are connected to the character of a pioneer. These are not parts of a pioneers charm. Todays serious world, requires a greater amount of thought, change and fundamental beliefs as opposed to data. Authority is something which isn't just critical yet in addition basic to an authoritative culture which centers around making progress toward greatness. The principle job in the spread of a positive culture for a specific association is conceivable on account of a pioneer in the genuine sense. Appealling conduct isn't negative yet barely helpful in driving all people of an association towards greatness. This causes us induce that character is the sole basis which enables an association all in all to endeavor towards greatness (Character, Not Charisma, Is The Critical Measure of Leadership, 2017). Reference: Character, Not Charisma, Is The Critical Measure of Leadership. (2017) Recovered 24 November 2017, from measure-of.html

Saturday, August 22, 2020

Lab Report of the Experiment of Conjugation of E. Coli Essay Example

Lab Report of the Experiment of Conjugation of E. Coli Paper Utilizing antacid lysine nipper, a DNA lassie was confined from the giver and cross-country strains and FIG electrophoresis was utilized to decide the size of the plasmid. The conjugation effectiveness was seen as 16. 25% and the plasmid DNA was roughly 97 kilobytes in length. The outcomes show that the F plasmid was adequately moved from the benefactor cells into the beneficiary cells by means of conjugation. Introduction:Bacterial conjugation is the unidirectional exchange of either genomic DNA or plasmid DNA from a benefactor bacterial cell to a beneficiary bacterial cell by cell-to-cell contact by means of a sex pills (Sonatas Simmons, 2006). Conjugation was first found by Elderberry and Datum in 1946. In their investigation, they grew two strains of microscopic organisms in isolated vessels with rich medium and afterward together in one vessel containing a similar medium. At that point, they spread the three vessel substance onto medium agar plates and hatched them short-term at ETC. The main plate that demonstrated cell development was the plate containing the blend of the two bacterial strains. The other two plates indicated no development. This examination demonstrated that with the end goal for recombination to happen, the two strains must interact with each other (Elderberry, Datum, 1946). In 1950, Bernard Davis found that cell-to-cell contact was required to acquire a cross-country. Utilizing a U tube containing a sintered channel between the different sides of the cylinder, he included two sorts of microorganisms (benefactor and beneficiary) to each side of the cylinder. As a result of the channel, Davis never watched conjugation. This further demonstrated with the goal for conjugation to happen, the cells must come into physical contact. With the end goal for cells to experience conjugation, one cell must contain a ripeness factor (F). William Hayes found this F factor in 1952. The F factor, which is a little auricular atom of DNA (plasmid), controls the combination of F pill that interface giver and beneficiary cells during conjugation. These F factors are around 105 bagpipers in size. In bacterial conjugation, a benefactor cell containing the F plasmid is alluded to as a F+ cell while a beneficiary cell that comes up short on the plasmid is a F-cell. At the point when a F+ cell mates with a F-cell (conjugation), the plasmid is moved. Both the contributor and beneficiary cells become F+ cells and contain the F plasmid. While moving the F+ plasmid, now and again the plasmid is incorporated into the beneficiaries chromosome. We will compose a custom exposition test on Lab Report of the Experiment of Conjugation of E. Coli explicitly for you for just $16.38 $13.9/page Request now We will compose a custom exposition test on Lab Report of the Experiment of Conjugation of E. Coli explicitly for you FOR ONLY $16.38 $13.9/page Recruit Writer We will compose a custom article test on Lab Report of the Experiment of Conjugation of E. Coli explicitly for you FOR ONLY $16.38 $13.9/page Recruit Writer These cells are alluded to as Hoff cells. Now and then chromosomal DNA is circled out of the F plasmid, and chromosomal qualities are moved into the beneficiary; the beneficiary cells are alluded to as F strains. At the point when giver F cells mate with beneficiary F-cells, genomic DNA is moved from benefactor to beneficiary. This exchange is known as enchantment and the cell that gets the F plasmid from the contributor is alluded to as a cross-country (Sonatas Simmons, 2006). In the examination performed, conjugation was concentrated in E. Coli bacterial cells. The giver bacterial cells contained the F plasmid that had the lack+ quality incorporated into it, making the cells Flag+stars. The beneficiary bacterial cells were F-need mix. The giver and beneficiary cells were blended and plated onto streptomycin marker plates. Utilizing AGE electrophoresis, plasmid DNA was disconnected and its size was resolved. The plasmid was available in the contributor and cross-country cells; in any case, in the beneficiary cells the plasmid was missing. Materials and Methods:One ml of every one of giver (Flag+stars) and beneficiary (F-need mix) the E. Oil bacterial strains, from the American Type Culture Collection in Rockville, Md. , was pipettes with a pitman into a sterile culture tube and brooded, without shaking, at 370 C for an hour and a half. Before plating the strains on agar plates, weakenings of the three strains of cells were set up with LB stock. 100 Pl of 10-5 and 10-6 weakenings of contributor cells were each plated onto McCracken (MAC) agar plates without streptomycin. 100 Pl of 10-5 weakening of benefactor cells and 10-5 and 10-6 beneficiary were additionally plated onto MAC plates with streptomycin. 00 Pl of 10-4 and 10-5 weakenings of the conjugation blend cells were plated onto MAC agar with streptomycin. Each of the seven plates were transformed and put in an ETC hatchery for around 24 hours. The bacterial provinces on each plate were tallied the following day (settlement includes found in Table l). Giver states were picked with a sterile circle and set into a sterile test tube containing LB stock. Beneficiary and cross-country states were additionally confined and put into sterile test tubes containing LB stock and streptomycin. The cylinders were then positioned in a 37 C shaking hatchery at 250 RPM short-term. After the brooding, 1. 5 ml of every one of the three societies were added to guilty party tubes and centrifuged at 13,200 RPM for 1 moment. An antacid lysine technique like that of Bromine and Doll was then performed to extricate the lassie DNA with 200 Pl of basic SD cleanser arrangement (Bromine Daly, 1979). After the soluble lysine strategy was finished, the pellets were washed with a 100% ethanol and put away in a - ICC cooler. A 1% concurs gel in 0. 5 X TUBE support was set up for gel electrophoresis in a gel plate. The gel plate was set into the BIO-RADAR FIG Mapped contraption. Stacking color was included and each example (cover. 25 VI) was then stacked into a well. DNA markers were stacked into the first and last wells. The gel was run under program 4 for 16 hours, 180 volts forward and 120 volts turn around. At the point when the program was knishes, the gel was put into a dullness bromide answer for stain. In the wake of recoloring, the gel was delicately shaken in refined water. Utilizing a Kodak IDEAS 290 imaging framework, an image of the gel was taken (which can be found in Figure 1. 0). Results:During the investigation, benefactor (F+lack+stars) and beneficiary (F-need mix) cells were blended and plated onto streptomycin marker plates. Plasmid DNA was separated from the contributor and cross-country cells and FIG electrophoresis was utilized to decide the plasmids size. In the wake of plating and hatching the bacterial weakenings, the cell settlements were checked. It was seen that the entirety of the contributor ells were red, the entirety of the beneficiary cells were white, and the conjugation culture cells were a blend of red and white. There were too much (>300) red provinces to depend on the contributor 10-5 MAC agar plate and 60 red settlements on the giver 10-6 MAC agar plate. No provinces were seen on the giver 10-5 MAC agar + strep plate. There were 126 white settlements on the beneficiary 10-5 MAC + strep plate and 32 white states seen on the beneficiary 10-6 MAC + strep agar plate. The cross-country 10-4 MAC + strep agar plate had 206 red and too many white settlements to check, while the cross-country 10-5 MAC + strep agar plate had 26 De states and 86 white provinces (found in Table l). Utilizing the cell tallies and their weakenings, the way of life focus was determined. The grouping of giver cells in the 10-6 weakening was xx cells/ml_. The convergence of beneficiary cells in the 10-6 weakening was 3. Pivot cells/ml. The centralization of cross-country cells in the 10-5 weakening was 2. Xx cells/ml (Table II). The conjugation effectiveness was determined to be 16. 25% (Table Ill). Endless supply of a FIG electrophoresis, marker norms were utilized to decide the plasmid size and the separation voyaged. The size and versatility f the groups in Marker II (Figure 1. 0) were estimated and a standard bend was created (Figure 2. 0). This bend was then used to decide the plasmid size present in the contributor and cross-country cells. The plasmid was absent in the beneficiary cells. ) The plasmid voyaged 14. 5 mm and was roughly 101 kilobytes in length. Discussion:After plating the benefactor cells onto MAC plates that didn't contain the streptomycin anti-toxin, red states developed. This outcome is conceivable in light of the fact that the benefactor cells contained the need Oberon, which codes for chemicals that can use lactose as food. Cells containing this Oberon can develop on MAC plates on the grounds that the plates contain lactose sugar. These two plates were then contrasted with the contributor plate that contained the streptomycin anti-infection. No states developed on the streptomycin plate. This is on the grounds that the giver cells didn't contain the quality for streptomycin opposition. Subsequent to plating the beneficiary cells onto MAC+strep plates, white provinces developed. This outcome is seen on the grounds that the beneficiary cells come up short on the need Oberon. These cells can't use lactose as a food source. Additionally, the beneficiary cells had the option to develop within the sight of streptomycin since they contained quality for protection from the anti-infection. On the plates containing MAC+strep and 10-5 cross-country cells, there were 26 red cells present. In a perfect world, in light of the fact that the cells were unreasonably weaken for conjugation to be seen, there ought to have been no red cells present. On the plates containing MAC+strep and 10-4 cross-country cells, both red and white settlements were watched. The white provinces were beneficiary cells and the red were cross-country. It tends to be resolved that the red cells were the cross-country on the grounds that beforehand, red cells (which demonstrate benefactor cells) couldn't develop on plates containing streptomycin. Since they ere present on streptomycin plate, the cells more likely than not experienced conjugation. In the wake of secluding the plasmids and running them on a FIG electrophoresis, it was seen that the plasmid was just present in

Friday, July 17, 2020

Aromatherapy for Social Anxiety Disorder

Aromatherapy for Social Anxiety Disorder December 02, 2019 Social Anxiety Disorder Overview Symptoms & Diagnosis Causes Treatment Living With In Children Hero Images/Getty Images Aromatherapy for anxiety involves the use of essential oils taken from plant sources such as flowers, leaves, seeds, fruits, and roots. When these oils are inhaled or absorbed through the skin, there are resulting physiological effects. If you live with social anxiety disorder (SAD), you may consider using essential oils to help calm yourself. How to Use Essential Oils Essential oils must be diluted for use as they are in a concentrated form. You might choose to inhale the oils, use them on your skin, or distribute the scent in your home.   Here are a few different ways to use oils. Inhaled. For portable use, put a few drops of the oil on a tissue to keep in your pocket or on an aromatherapy bracelet or necklace.In your home. While at home, you can use an oil burner or diffuser.  Diluted. Essential oils could be used as part of your bath. Add about five drops of the oil of your choice to the running water to help you relax as you soak in the tub.Massage. Finally, essential oils can be used as part of the massage, either on your own or by a professional. Be sure to dilute the oils first with a carrier oil (such as apricot kernel or sweet almond oil). Use about five drops of essential oil with about 10 ml of carrier oil. How Can Aromatherapy Massage Help Your Anxiety? Choosing Essential Oils Your choice of essential oils will depend on your desired effects. Below are the common oils that are used and some of the suggested results of their use.   In the following list, nervine refers to oils that strengthen the nervous systems, while sedative refers to oils that calm the nervous system. Basil: nervine, for nervous tension, panic, depressionBergamot: sedative, for nervous tension, anxiety, insomnia, depressionCedarwood: sedative, for anxietyChamomile: sedative, nervine, for nervous tension, anxiety, insomnia, depressionClary Sage: sedative, nervine, for nervous tension, panic, depressionGeranium: nervine, for anxiety, depressionGrapefruit: for depressionHelichrysum: sedative, for panic, depressionFrankincense: sedative, for anxietyJasmine: sedative, for self-esteem, depressionLavender: sedative, nervine, for panic, insomnia, depressionLemongrass: for depressionMandarin: sedative, for anxiety, depressionMarjoram: sedative, nervine, for anxiety, insomniaNeroli: sedative, for anxiety, panic, insomnia, self-esteem, depressionOrange: sedative, for nervous tension, insomnia, depressionPatchouli: for depressionPeppermint: nervine, for panic, depressionPetitgrain: sedative, for panic, insomnia, depressionRose: sedative, for nervous tension, self-esteem, depressionRosemary: f or depressionRosewood: for depressionSage: for depressionSandalwood: sedative, for nervous tension, anxiety, insomnia, depressionThyme: for depressionVetiver: sedative, nervine, for nervous tension, insomniaYlang Ylang: sedative, for anxiety, panic, depression Combination Fragrances In addition to using oils on their own, you might also consider making combination fragrances in an oil burner. Here are two examples:For sleep:2 drops of lavender2 drops of chamomile2 drops of marjoramFor mood: 2 drops of orange2 drops of bergamot2 drops of geranium Safety and Effectiveness Its important to note that these products are not approved by the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA), are not thoroughly tested or regulated, and there is little research evidence to support their effectiveness for social anxiety and other mental health conditions. In addition, since these products are not regulated, there is no guarantee regarding safety or ingredients. However, there is likely little harm in trying different types of aromatherapy to see if you feel it helps your anxiety. If you regularly use essential oils as a method to calm yourself, or pair their use with other relaxation exercises, over time it is likely that you may find simply inhaling the same scent will remind you of feeling calm. Research on Aromatherapy In a 2014 study published in the journal Biomedical Research International, it was shown that a four-week aromatherapy program for older persons with chronic pain was effective in reducing levels of depression, anxiety, and stress. While these results are promising, this is one small study that needs to be replicated on a larger scale. Only when there is a sufficient body of research evidence to support the effectiveness of aromatherapy, will it be possible to definitively state that this method of relieving anxiety has the backing of science. How to Use Aromatherapy for Stress Relief A Word From Verywell Above all, remember that essential oils alone are not likely to relieve severe social anxiety. If youve been struggling with symptoms, the first step should always be to visit a doctor or mental health practitioner for diagnosis and treatment. At the same time, you can experiment with aromatherapy for anxiety if you find that it offers benefits.

Wednesday, May 6, 2020

Difficulties Facing Project And Ideas Of A Negative Health...

Difficulties Facing Project and Ideas to Address The first difficulty facing my final project idea of a transitional living facility for offenders with substance use disorders in Mercer County, PA, is the physically rural geographical location of the county. Rebecca Clay (2007) discussed the nature of limited access to quality care in rural locations, including distances between treatment facilities, number of local support groups, and overall relevancy of training to applicable staff. When I moved from Philadelphia to Mercer County, I was shocked to see just how pervasive the opiate issue was in this rural community, as compared with the big city from which I moved. Opposite of numerous treatment sites in a big city, Mercer County, PA†¦show more content†¦However, if it is discovered that current treatment options cannot fulfill the treatment needs, transitioning the living facility into an actual treatment provider itself may be the best recourse. Another potential issue f acing this project is the development of program guidelines for the facility itself, and situations that may arise involving relapse. Giordano, Clarke, and Furter (2014) noted that relapse is normal to the recovery process, especially early on, and that of â€Å"1,222 adults receiving outpatient treatment for substance abuse, only 34% of the sample remained abstinent for 12 or more months,† (p. 114). Due to the variety of working parts and multitude of stakeholders outside of the facility itself, including treatment providers, community health centers, and legal entities (i.e. probation), there is a strong likelihood that people will be on different pages in terms of their approach and handling of relapse. It can absolutely be detrimental to the living environment, and not only place the individual at risk, but also others at the home. When factoring in the limited treatment options, discharge from a facility would be a huge blow to the continuity of care for that individual . I recently had a client discharged from an intensive outpatient program, for simply admitting purchasing a Suboxone film strip from another client. She wrote a letter of admission to the facility,Show MoreRelatedIndustrial Areas From Centralization And Neoliberal Globalisation1684 Words   |  7 Pagesconcentrated in Asia and Africa. This significant change of urbanization will lead to challenges in satisfying the needs for housing, infrastructure, transportation, energy supply and employment, as well as for basic services such as education and health care . This report will critically discuss three key elements in relation to urbanisation: political economy, economic growth in urban areas and urban sociology. 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Nissan Planning New Fuel-cell Vehicle Free Essays

The global environment has been afflicted to a considerable extent by the conventional combustion engines of the vehicles, creating certain problems of global interest like exhaust emission, global warming and increased dependence on fossil fuel. (Paul Nieuwenhuis, Peter Wells, 2003) It has been estimated that fossil fuels are a limited resource. Nissan has always played a key role in automotive industry and foreseen that mobility is an inevitable part of economic development of any country. We will write a custom essay sample on Nissan Planning New Fuel-cell Vehicle or any similar topic only for you Order Now Nissan has contributed his share by harnessing the technological strengths that has accumulated over many years of its dedication and ever-changing discoveries. The basic charm in the philosophy of fuel cell vehicle is in its environment friendliness. It is expected to play an evermore important role as a clean energy vehicle. Main feature of fuel cell vehicle is that electrical energy is obtained by the chemical reaction of hydrogen and water. In this reaction sole emission is water which is already the part of ecosystem means least or almost no pollution. The electrical energy obtained in this manner will be utilized to get it converted into mechanical driving force by a number of engineering processes. (Lloyd Dixon, Isaac Porche, Jonathan Kulick, 2002). The Nissan FCV employs elements of a variety of technologies, including electric vehicle (EV), hybrid electric vehicle (HEV), and compressed natural gas vehicle (CNGV) technologies. Nissan’s FCV applies technologies that have been developed in Nissan, such as lithium ion batteries and high voltage electric systems for electric vehicles, control technologies for hybrid vehicles and high pressure gas storage systems for CNGV. Nissan has been developing FCVs that endeavors to accomplish outstanding environmental and energy-saving capacity. (Geographical, 2003) Nissan Canada Inc. (NCI) declared in February 2006, a program that will put its newest fuel cell-equipped vehicle to the test trial for analysis. The new seventy mega Pascal (MPa) high-pressure hydrogen-powered Nissan X-Trail FCV (fuel cell vehicle) was at home in Canada for testing, which will take place in the vicinity of the Greater Vancouver. The Nissan X-Trail FCV encloses a hydrogen fuel cylinder manufactured by Dynetek Industries Ltd. of Calgary, Alta. The important thing about this cylinder is that it has been built in Canada. The vehicle is under test at Surrey, B.C.-based Powertech Labs Inc., an entirely owned auxiliary of BC Hydro, in collaboration with Fuel Cells Canada. Fuel Cells Canada administers the Hydrogen Highway, a synchronized, large-scale presentation and utilization program intended to accelerate the commercialization of hydrogen and fuel-cell technologies. Nissan joined these organizations in Surrey to start the testing. â€Å"Through Nissan’s advances in hydrogen fuel cell technology, we hope to improve the practicality of fuel cells as a future clean power source,† These are the words uttered by John Junker-Andersen, Director, Parts, Service and Quality Assurance at NCI. He further added, â€Å"Together with the assistance of Powertech and BC Hydro, we are working hard to make the benefits of fuel cells and their promise of high efficiency and zero emissions a viable reality.† A fuel cell vehicle is in consequence an electric vehicle, using a fuel cell to alter hydrogen and oxygen into electricity. The electricity is produced by a chemical reaction inside the fuel cell stack when hydrogen from the fuel cylinder merges with oxygen in air. The only by-product is water, making FCVs completely emissions-free. Robb Thompson, Dynetek Industries Ltd said, â€Å"With partners such as Nissan and BC Hydro, we are able to test compressed hydrogen in real world situations,† â€Å"Through these tests, we have demonstrated that compressed hydrogen is the best commercially suitable alternative for the success of the hydrogen economy.† Nissan will test the vehicle in a number of environments and drive cycles, including moderate cold-weather, high-speed hill climbs and highway driving, to evaluate the vehicle’s capabilities and the hydrogen fuel system’s performance. Livio Gambone, Manager, Vehicle Programs at Powertech said, â€Å"As members of the Hydrogen Highway(TM), we are pleased to support Nissan’s vehicle testing program,† â€Å"Our climate and geography, plus access to our seventy MPa hydrogen filling station, make the Vancouver area the best and only place to test the viability and endurance of this FCV.† The seventy MPa high-pressure hydrogen-powered Nissan X-Trail FCV is the company’s most-recent developmental fuel cell vehicle. Equipped with the first-ever Nissan-constructed fuel cell stack, the X-Trail FCV also boasts a more compact design and increased power. A previous 2003 model offered a cruising range of 350 km, but thanks to improved stack efficiency and a 30 percent increase in the high-pressure Dynetek hydrogen cylinder’s storage capacity, the new X-Trail FCV is expected to achieve a cruising range of more than 500 km. John Tak, President and CEO, Fuel Cells Canada said,   Ã¢â‚¬Å"We applaud Nissan Canada’s decision to test their newest hydrogen powered fuel cell vehicle along the Hydrogen Highway(TM),† â€Å"As a world-leading centre for hydrogen and fuel cell expertise, British Columbia’s Hydrogen Highway(TM) is an ideal proving ground to test and demonstrate these technologies.† Nissan has been working on FCV development since 1996. In addition to design and engineering work conducted in Japan, extensive testing and development has also been conducted in other markets, including the United States, where Nissan is a member of the California Fuel Cell Partnership (CaFCP). About Nissan Canada Inc. Nissan Canada Inc. is the Canadian sales, marketing and distribution subsidiary of Nissan Motor Limited and Nissan North America, Inc. With offices in Vancouver (BC), Mississauga (ON), and Kirkland (QC), Nissan Canada directly employs two hundred and ninety staff, while one hundred and forty six independent businesses hold exclusive Nissan dealerships and twenty nine hold exclusive Infinity dealerships. (Jim Motavalli, 2003). Ten years devotion of Nissan for fuel-cell research has evolved as the latest FCV X-Trail sport/utility vehicle. Nissan engineered and assembled a fuel stack in-house and its most recent unit manages to squeeze the stack’s sophisticated technology in a smaller and lighter package. The new stack develops 120 horse power—35 horse power more than the one fixed to the previous 2003 FCV X-Trail. As a consequence the new model put forward better linear speeding up and response, higher top speed too. Fuel cell packaging has gifted the new vehicle with more freed passenger space. The lithium-ion battery pack, that is stored under the trunk floor, is also built smaller, permitting for more goods room. In addition to this the smaller fuel-cell unit releases 40 percent extra space under the front seats. The considerable egg shaped hydrogen tank, which is lined by aluminium in its inner wall and strengthened with carbon fiber in its outer covering posed substantial packaging problem. Nissan has resolved it by placing it under the rear seats with resultant diminished headroom. The texture of the new tank provides it with greater accommodative capacity imparting thirty percent more hydrogen storage capacity that has a great impact on vehicle cruising mileage, sometimes attaining three hundred and twelve miles. The vehicle X-trial has been observed efficient on the road. Drive of this car is as easy operative as selective drive and tapping into the zero-emission power once the onboard computer system indicates the green signal. Nissan has manufactured the FCV X-trail to bestow the drivers a feeling of normal driving experience a part from the apparent lack of a noxious exhaust. In fact the car is being propelled by the electrical energy generated as a result of discussed chemical reaction. Since a train-like motor sound is audible from the background, however it is never annoying. (Robert L. Olson, 2003). The X-Trail accelerates readily up to a seventy mile per hour cruising speed and easily achieves a ninety three miles per hour top speed. Japanese government has approved public road testing and leasing of the Nissan’s latest fuel cell vehicles due to  Nissan’s determined hard work and research in the field of fuel cell technology. Let us see when Nissan markets its matchless vehicle for the use of consumers. References: Geographical (2003). Cleaning Up the World’s Exhaust Pipes: They’re Quiet, Efficient, Run on Renewable Energy Sources and Their Exhaust Is Just a Cloud of Water Vapour. Could the Rise of Fuel-Cell Vehicles Spell the End of the Internal Combustion Engine? Magazine article; Vol. 75, August Jack Doyle (2000). Taken for a Ride: Detroit’s Big Three and the Politics of Pollution; Four Walls Eight Windows Jim Motavalli (2003). Power Plays: Fuel Cells Are Reaching the Market, in What Could Be a $100 Billion Industry; E, Vol. 14, January Lloyd Dixon, Isaac Porche, Jonathan Kulick (2002). Driving Emissions to Zero: Are the Benefits of California’s Zero Emission Vehicle Program Worth the Costs; Rand Paul Nieuwenhuis, Peter Wells (2003). The Automotive Industry and the Environment: A Technical, Business and Social Future; CRC Press Robert L. Olson (2003). The Promise and Pitfalls of Hydrogen Energy: Nonpolluting and Renewable, Hydrogen Energy Holds Great Promise as an Energy Alternative in the Future. Here’s a Look at What’s Right about Hydrogen Energy- and How It Can Go Wrong; The Futurist, Vol. 37, July How to cite Nissan Planning New Fuel-cell Vehicle, Essay examples Nissan Planning New Fuel-cell Vehicle Free Essays The global environment has been afflicted to a considerable extent by the conventional combustion engines of the vehicles, creating certain problems of global interest like exhaust emission, global warming and increased dependence on fossil fuel. (Paul Nieuwenhuis, Peter Wells, 2003) It has been estimated that fossil fuels are a limited resource. Nissan has always played a key role in automotive industry and foreseen that mobility is an inevitable part of economic development of any country. We will write a custom essay sample on Nissan Planning New Fuel-cell Vehicle or any similar topic only for you Order Now Nissan has contributed his share by harnessing the technological strengths that has accumulated over many years of its dedication and ever-changing discoveries. The basic charm in the philosophy of fuel cell vehicle is in its environment friendliness. It is expected to play an evermore important role as a clean energy vehicle. Main feature of fuel cell vehicle is that electrical energy is obtained by the chemical reaction of hydrogen and water. In this reaction sole emission is water which is already the part of ecosystem means least or almost no pollution. The electrical energy obtained in this manner will be utilized to get it converted into mechanical driving force by a number of engineering processes. (Lloyd Dixon, Isaac Porche, Jonathan Kulick, 2002).  The Nissan FCV employs elements of a variety of technologies, including electric vehicle (EV), hybrid electric vehicle (HEV), and compressed natural gas vehicle (CNGV) technologies. Nissan’s FCV applies technologies that have been developed in Nissan, such as lithium ion batteries and high voltage electric systems for electric vehicles, control technologies for hybrid vehicles and high pressure gas storage systems for CNGV. Nissan has been developing FCVs that endeavors to accomplish outstanding environmental and energy-saving capacity. (Geographical, 2003) Nissan Canada Inc. (NCI) declared in February 2006, a program that will put its newest fuel cell-equipped vehicle to the test trial for analysis. The new seventy mega Pascal (MPa) high-pressure hydrogen-powered Nissan X-Trail FCV (fuel cell vehicle) was at home in Canada for testing, which will take place in the vicinity of the Greater Vancouver. The Nissan X-Trail FCV encloses a hydrogen fuel cylinder manufactured by Dynetek Industries Ltd. of Calgary, Alta. The important thing about this cylinder is that it has been built in Canada. The vehicle is under test at Surrey, B.C.-based Powertech Labs Inc., an entirely owned auxiliary of BC Hydro, in collaboration with Fuel Cells Canada. Fuel Cells Canada administers the Hydrogen Highway, a synchronized, large-scale presentation and utilization program intended to accelerate the commercialization of hydrogen and fuel-cell technologies. Nissan joined these organizations in Surrey to start the testing. â€Å"Through Nissan’s advances in hydrogen fuel cell technology, we hope to improve the practicality of fuel cells as a future clean power source,†Ã‚  These are the words uttered by John Junker-Andersen, Director, Parts, Service and Quality Assurance at NCI. He further added,  Ã¢â‚¬Å"Together with the assistance of Powertech and BC Hydro, we are working hard to make the benefits of fuel cells and their promise of high efficiency and zero emissions a viable reality.† A fuel cell vehicle is in consequence an electric vehicle, using a fuel cell to alter hydrogen and oxygen into electricity. The electricity is produced by a chemical reaction inside the fuel cell stack when hydrogen from the fuel cylinder merges with oxygen in air. The only by-product is water, making FCVs completely emissions-free. Robb Thompson, Dynetek Industries Ltd said,  Ã¢â‚¬Å"With partners such as Nissan and BC Hydro, we are able to test compressed hydrogen in real world situations,†Ã‚  Ã¢â‚¬Å"Through these tests, we have demonstrated that compressed hydrogen is the best commercially suitable alternative for the success of the hydrogen economy.† Nissan will test the vehicle in a number of environments and drive cycles, including moderate cold-weather, high-speed hill climbs and highway driving, to evaluate the vehicle’s capabilities and the hydrogen fuel system’s performance.  Livio Gambone, Manager, Vehicle Programs at Powertech said,  Ã¢â‚¬Å"As members of the Hydrogen Highway(TM), we are pleased to support Nissan’s vehicle testing program,† â€Å"Our climate and geography, plus access to our seventy MPa hydrogen filling station, make the Vancouver area the best and only place to test the viability and endurance of this FCV.† The seventy MPa high-pressure hydrogen-powered Nissan X-Trail FCV is the company’s most-recent developmental fuel cell vehicle. Equipped with the first-ever Nissan-constructed fuel cell stack, the X-Trail FCV also boasts a more compact design and increased power. A previous 2003 model offered a cruising range of 350 km, but thanks to improved stack efficiency and a 30 percent increase in the high-pressure Dynetek hydrogen cylinder’s storage capacity, the new X-Trail FCV is expected to achieve a cruising range of more than 500 km. John Tak, President and CEO, Fuel Cells Canada said,   Ã¢â‚¬Å"We applaud Nissan Canada’s decision to test their newest hydrogen powered fuel cell vehicle along the Hydrogen Highway(TM),† â€Å"As a world-leading centre for hydrogen and fuel cell expertise, British Columbia’s Hydrogen Highway(TM) is an ideal proving ground to test and demonstrate these technologies.† Nissan has been working on FCV development since 1996. In addition to design and engineering work conducted in Japan, extensive testing and development has also been conducted in other markets, including the United States, where Nissan is a member of the California Fuel Cell Partnership (CaFCP). About Nissan Canada Inc. Nissan Canada Inc. is the Canadian sales, marketing and distribution subsidiary of Nissan Motor Limited and Nissan North America, Inc. With offices in Vancouver (BC), Mississauga (ON), and Kirkland (QC), Nissan Canada directly employs two hundred and ninety staff, while one hundred and forty six independent businesses hold exclusive Nissan dealerships and twenty nine hold exclusive Infinity dealerships. (Jim Motavalli, 2003). Ten years devotion of Nissan for fuel-cell research has evolved as the latest FCV X-Trail sport/utility vehicle. Nissan engineered and assembled a fuel stack in-house and its most recent unit manages to squeeze the stack’s sophisticated technology in a smaller and lighter package. The new stack develops 120 horse power—35 horse power more than the one fixed to the previous 2003 FCV X-Trail. As a consequence the new model put forward better linear speeding up and response, higher top speed too. Fuel cell packaging has gifted the new vehicle with more freed passenger space. The lithium-ion battery pack, that is stored under the trunk floor, is also built smaller, permitting for more goods room. In addition to this the smaller fuel-cell unit releases 40 percent extra space under the front seats. The considerable egg shaped hydrogen tank, which is lined by aluminium in its inner wall and strengthened with carbon fiber in its outer covering posed substantial packaging problem. Nissan has resolved it by placing it under the rear seats with resultant diminished headroom. The texture of the new tank provides it with greater accommodative capacity imparting thirty percent more hydrogen storage capacity that has a great impact on vehicle cruising mileage, sometimes attaining three hundred and twelve miles. The vehicle X-trial has been observed efficient on the road. Drive of this car is as easy operative as selective drive and tapping into the zero-emission power once the onboard computer system indicates the green signal. Nissan has manufactured the FCV X-trail to bestow the drivers a feeling of normal driving experience a part from the apparent lack of a noxious exhaust. In fact the car is being propelled by the electrical energy generated as a result of discussed chemical reaction. Since a train-like motor sound is audible from the background, however it is never annoying. (Robert L. Olson, 2003). The X-Trail accelerates readily up to a seventy mile per hour cruising speed and easily achieves a ninety three miles per hour top speed.  Japanese government has approved public road testing and leasing of the Nissan’s latest fuel cell vehicles due to Nissan’s determined hard work and research in the field of fuel cell technology. Let us see when Nissan markets its matchless vehicle for the use of consumers. References: Geographical (2003). Cleaning Up the World’s Exhaust Pipes: They’re Quiet, Efficient, Run on Renewable Energy Sources and Their Exhaust Is Just a Cloud of Water Vapour. Could the Rise of Fuel-Cell Vehicles Spell the End of the Internal Combustion Engine? Magazine article; Vol. 75, August Jack Doyle (2000). Taken for a Ride: Detroit’s Big Three and the Politics of Pollution; Four Walls Eight Windows Jim Motavalli (2003). Power Plays: Fuel Cells Are Reaching the Market, in What Could Be a $100 Billion Industry; E, Vol. 14, January Lloyd Dixon, Isaac Porche, Jonathan Kulick (2002). Driving Emissions to Zero: Are the Benefits of California’s Zero Emission Vehicle Program Worth the Costs; Rand Paul Nieuwenhuis, Peter Wells (2003). The Automotive Industry and the Environment: A Technical, Business and Social Future; CRC Press Robert L. Olson (2003). The Promise and Pitfalls of Hydrogen Energy: Nonpolluting and Renewable, Hydrogen Energy Holds Great Promise as an Energy Alternative in the Future. Here’s a Look at What’s Right about Hydrogen Energy- and How It Can Go Wrong; The Futurist, Vol. 37, July How to cite Nissan Planning New Fuel-cell Vehicle, Essay examples

Saturday, April 25, 2020

Saint Helens Essays - Volcanology, Plate Tectonics,

Saint Helens Tracie Knowlton 7th period Many things can happen before, during, and after a volcanic eruption. A volcanic eruption is an extraordinary thing. You never know what is going to turn out as in the end. Before a volcanic eruption you may notice that the scenery slightly changes. The volcano is covered with lakes, streams, homes, old growth trees, along with many private homes and hotel resorts. Convection currents that move the plates, and cause movements make earthquakes and volcanoes. One of the many things that can happen before an explosion is the magma with in the volcano rises and collects in large chambers, the pressure decreases, and the magma expands. Every volcano has some sort of cap. The cap of a volcano is sort of a plug that holds everything in. While the magma expands in the center of the volcano the ground picks up its heat level, enlarges itself, and it also starts to slant. Volcanoes and earthquakes are activated when the convection currents move the plates in the seduction zone and cause the heat to re-melt the crust. Earthquakes and the magnitude may change months prior to the eruption. Science Essays